A Topological Model of the Universe: Klein Bottle and the Unification of the Big Crunch and Big Rip

Un modelo topológico del universo: la botella de Klein y la unificación del Big Crunch y el Big Rip

Alberto Rafael Roman Soltero
Universidad Vizcaya de las Américas Campus Piedras Negras 
ORCID 0000-0003-2228-684X

Recibido: 9 de noviembre de 2024 | Aceptado: 17 de noviembre de 2024 | Publicado en línea: 19 de noviembre de 2024 |

How to cite:
Roman-Soltero, A. R (2024). A Topological Model of the Universe: Klein Bottle and the Unification of the Big Crunch and Big Rip. Revista Multidisciplinaria de Ciencia Básica, Humanidades, Arte y Educación, 2(9), 24-32.


This paper presents a topological model of the universe based on the geometry of the Klein bottle, proposing that the Big Crunch and Big Rip may represent two manifestations of a single event within a non-orientable, cyclic universe. Using Roman’s Theorem of inverse permutations, which suggests symmetrical inverse states, the study explores how this topology may support a dynamic where cosmic expansion and collapse occur within a unified, cyclical framework. The model aims to reconcile certain anomalies observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the distribution of dark matter by proposing a non-orientable spatial configuration. Preliminary findings suggest that a Klein bottle topology could align with Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model observations, offering a novel perspective on cosmic evolution that connects expansion phases with contraction within a continuous topological cycle. The implications for dark energy, cosmic inflation, and the universe’s ultimate fate are discussed, emphasizing the model’s potential for expanding current cosmological paradigms.

Klein bottle topology; Cyclic Universe; Big Crunch; Big Rip; Roman’s Theorem.



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