Explorando las conexiones entre el tecnoestrés y el desempeño académico en estudiantes universitarios
Exploring the Connections Between Technostress and Academic Performance in University Students
Cómo citar:
Sánchez-Gutiérrez, A., González-Vidal, I.A., Torres- Zapata, A.E., y Brito-Cruz, T.J. (2024). Explorando las conexiones entre el tecnoestrés y el desempeño académico en estudiantes universitarios. Revista de Ciencia Básica, Humanidades, Arte y Educación, 2(5), 1-8. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10774994
Alejandro Sánchez Gutiérrez
Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
ORCID 0009-0009-1255-5461
ORCID 0009-0009-1255-5461
Isaac Alfonso González Vidal
Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
ORCID 0009-0000-8966-5305
Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
ORCID 0009-0000-8966-5305
Ángel Esteban Torres Zapata
Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
ORCID 0000-0002-6066-3258
ORCID 0000-0002-6066-3258
Teresa del Jesús Brito Cruz
Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
ORCID 0000-0002-7030-4187
Currently, the impact of technology on students' learning has significantly transformed educational dynamics, making them increasingly dependent on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for self-education and professional development. This change is particularly evident in the university context, where the transition to virtual education, especially in health disciplines, has introduced notable challenges. The constant exposure to ICT, internet networks and social networks has generated consequences for students' physical and mental health, manifesting in situations such as anxiety over technological failures, constant overstimulation, and pressure to always be connected. This set of experiences constitutes the phenomenon known as technostress, which is presented as the central focus of this essay, exploring its relationship with the academic performance of university students. It is concluded that technoanxiety, technophobia and technofatigue negatively influence the well-being and quality of life of students.
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Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
ORCID 0000-0002-7030-4187
En la actualidad, el impacto de la tecnología en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes ha transformado significativamente las dinámicas educativas, llevándolos a depender cada vez más de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) para su autoeducación y desarrollo profesional. Este cambio es particularmente evidente en el ámbito universitario, donde la transición hacia la educación virtual, especialmente en disciplinas de la salud, ha introducido desafíos notables. La constante exposición a las TIC, redes de internet y redes sociales ha generado consecuencias en la salud física y mental de los estudiantes, manifestándose en situaciones como la ansiedad frente a fallos tecnológicos, una continua sobreestimulación y la presión de estar siempre conectados. Este conjunto de experiencias constituye el fenómeno conocido como tecnoestrés, que se presenta como el foco central de este ensayo, explorando su relación con el rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios. Se concluye que la tecnoansiedad, tecnofobia y tecnofatiga, influyen negativamente en el bienestar y calidad de vida de los estudiantes.
Palabras clave:
Tecnoestrés, rendimiento académico, tecnofatiga, TICs, competencias digitales.
Currently, the impact of technology on students' learning has significantly transformed educational dynamics, making them increasingly dependent on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for self-education and professional development. This change is particularly evident in the university context, where the transition to virtual education, especially in health disciplines, has introduced notable challenges. The constant exposure to ICT, internet networks and social networks has generated consequences for students' physical and mental health, manifesting in situations such as anxiety over technological failures, constant overstimulation, and pressure to always be connected. This set of experiences constitutes the phenomenon known as technostress, which is presented as the central focus of this essay, exploring its relationship with the academic performance of university students. It is concluded that technoanxiety, technophobia and technofatigue negatively influence the well-being and quality of life of students.
Technostress, academic performance, technofatigue, ICTs, digital skills.