Beyond 'Publish or Perish': Finding Harmony in Balancing Teaching and Research in a Knowledge Society

Fabio Morandín-Ahuerma
BUAP - Northeast Regional Complex.
ORCID 0000-0001-6082-2207

Laura Villanueva-Méndez

BUAP - Northeast Regional Complex.
ORCID 0000-0002-1161-0379

Abelardo Romero-Fernández
BUAP - Northeast Regional Complex.
ORCID 0000-0002-1935-4365

Hannah Doskicz
BUAP - Student of the Northeastern Regional Complex
Fulbright-García Robles Scholar

Is teaching incompatible with research and vice versa? In this text we evaluate the importance of creating a knowledge society that requires, on the one hand, a solid teaching practice, but on the other, the necessary transition from teaching to research. We review the different situations that academics must overcome to perform their duties as teachers, especially at the higher level, and finally, we propose some alternatives on how to create harmony between the demands of teaching and research. The main questions are: What is the way in which we should address the growing challenge of research productivity within universities? How to pass the curricular evaluation without losing mental health and at the same time satisfactorily fulfill administrative tasks, knowledge transfer and knowledge generation? How to provide the expected result? We conclude that teaching and research do not necessarily have to be separated and that reading, research and writing can be the opportunity for expression and intellectual growth, as well as the way to share knowledge through dissemination and teaching.

Research production, teaching load, professional development.

How to cite:
Morandín-Ahuerma, F., Villanueva-Méndez, L., Romero-Fernández, A., Doskics, H. (2023). Beyond 'Publish or Perish': Finding Harmony in Balancing Teaching and Research in a Knowledge Society. Revista de Ciencia Básica, Humanidades, Arte y Educación, 1(2), 47-56. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10578604 

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Cintillo Legal: Revista Multidisciplinaria de Ciencia Básica, Humanidades, Arte y Educación (Rev. Mult. C. Hum. Art. y Educ.) ISSN 2992-7722 es una publicación bimestral con actualización continua, editada por Prolatam Ética Latam, A.C. con Registro Nacional de Instituciones y Empresas Científicas y Tecnológicas (RENIECYT) número 1900530. Correo electrónico de la revista: Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo otorgado por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor (INDAUTOR): 04-2023-082114463300-102. Las opiniones expresadas por los autores no necesariamente reflejan la postura de los editores. Se autoriza la reproducción total o parcial de los contenidos publicados aquí, siempre y cuando se cite la fuente original. Última actualización: enero de 2025.